Peace starts with you.
Find your way to inner peace.
Peace is an inside job.
As a Human Rights expert, Amandine has worked for the last 20 years on promoting women’s participation and leadership in peacebuilding processes around the world.
Amandine’s mission is to assist women to become agents of peace.
Amandine has been working with
Amandine has been described as a captivating storyteller whose truthful narrative raises the level of consciousness and inspires others to commit to a cause bigger than themselves.
Amandine is a renowned public speaker, she has been a featured speaker at TEDx, Google, United Nations, European Commission.
As a healer, she helps individuals to give birth to their souls.
“It’s my mission to heal the invisible wound of trauma and reconcile the inner feminine and masculine in order to create more peace inside and out.”
Amandine has been featured in:
Inner peacekeeping for global peacekeepers

Amandine has spoken at:
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Promoting the culture of peace and non-violence
Founded in 2011 to develop in Afghanistan yoga and meditation, which are the tools of non-violence.